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City of Kingsville, Texas
Municipal Building First Floor Renovation

The City of Kingsville, Texas shifted some of their municipal services into another building to allow growth for the Municipal Court and Utility Billing Finance Departments who remained in the historic Municipal Building at 6th and Kleberg. 


Multiple studies were prepared with different scenarios for spatial use and flow through the building.  There were major challenges with existing building components that were impractical to remove or relocate.  The completed solution divides the building into two distinct functional areas.  Existing materials were salvaged and re-purposed where possible.  The design motif respects the historic materials that remain while providing a touch of modern flair and material palette that reminds one of the Kingsville ranching heritage.


Municipal Court resides in the north end of the building with new offices, waiting and support spaces that utilize the newly renovated courtroom space which previously served also as Commission Chambers.  Utility Billing existing space in the south end was renovated to improve efficiency and provide additional required functional space such as conference staff restrooms, bill printing and mailing.

© SolkaNavaTorno architects.

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